Friday, June 17, 2011


So it's been a really long time since I've updated.  I will be updating more this summer since I really love writing and I miss it so much.  A few updates!

I graduated!  I am finished!  I have a Masters in Pastoral Studies with an emphasis with Intercultural studies.

So many people have asked me what it is like to be finished.  I never know how to respond because I don't believe that I am finished.  I have started.  I love school.  I take that back I love seminary.  It was hard to watch it end, but I don't mind the reading or learning and homework after homework.  I learned so much.  What is it like to be is fine.  It's just fine.  I am not relieved or ecstatic.  But I am not finished.  I have entered into another stage in my life and I look forward to the future.  It never was hard for me to look forward.  I like doing that more than looking back, but I guess I should spend some time reflecting on the past two years.

Another update!  I am moving to Taiwan to be a missionary later this year.  More about this.

Lastly...God is good.  Be happy and eat well.