In Deut 5, Moses tells the Israelites that the covenant is with them (the current generation) and not with their ancestors when it was made with all of Israel.
I was thinking through this and wondering why he said that and I realised it because he wants to draw some distinctions from the past sin and the future.
The old generation sinned a great deal, they sinned so much that Moses was forbidden to go into the promise land because God was mad at Moses for their sin. And the old generation wasn't allowed in with the exception of one family but all the children were allowed in.
Moses is emphasising that the younger generation doesn't have to be like the older generation. They can start something new and be obedient to God's law as long as they remember all that God has done for them.
And then I started thinking of generational sin in my family. My dad's family is not Christian but my mom's side has been Christian for about 4 generation in Taiwan.
In my own family I can see how my parent's sin has affected me and how that has been passed down to me in a way.
For example my parents use to be manipulative. They played good cop bad cop, they gave us gifts and money expecting a lot in return and now even when they give me a gift I bend over backward to show them my appreciation.
But the main point is their manipulation. I realised that I am manipulative as well now. I'm very good at getting people to do things that I want them to do and I learned that from my parents. I can see how their influence in my life has caused me to do the same and I want to break away from that. But the other thing I realised is how much I lie. Growing up we got in trouble for lying and for telling the truth but most times telling a lie was safer than telling the truth. Even though the truth is suppose to set you free and my dad often said that telling the truth is better, somehow we were punished more for telling the truth then telling a lie so I instinctually started just lying. All my siblings are the same and I can see that I do this with my husband now too.
I've talked to him about it and shared with him my struggles and we pray about this but it's strange to think that even though my parents raised us to think differently and to always tell the truth, somehow their actions to telling the truth pushed me to become a impulsive liar. It's been a hard cycle to break but I know that God has called me to be honest and truthful in all things.
I don't know what the sins of my past to affect my relationships, family and life now. I am thankful that Christ has set us free from that and to walk into the newness of life. Praise God for that.
What sins do you struggle with because of your family?